if ( typeof lightbox_path == "undefined" ) var lightbox_path = 'http://'+location.hostname+'/wp-content/plugins/lightbox-gallery/'; if ( typeof hs != "undefined" ) { if ( typeof graphicsDir != "undefined" ) hs.graphicsDir = graphicsDir; else hs.graphicsDir = 'http://'+location.hostname+'/wp-content/plugins/lightbox-gallery/graphics/'; } if ( typeof hs == "undefined" ) { jQuery(document).ready(function () { // If you make images display slowly, use following two lines; // var i = 0; // showImg(i); if ( jQuery.fn.lightBox ) { jQuery('a[rel*=lightbox]').lightBox(); jQuery('.gallery1 a').lightBox({captionPosition:'gallery'}); } else if ( jQuery.fn.colorbox ) { jQuery('a[rel*=lightbox]').colorbox(); } jQuery('.gallery a').tooltip({track:true, delay:0, showURL: false}); // Add these lines if you want to handle multiple galleries in one page. // You need to add into a [gallery] shorttag. ex) [gallery class="gallery2"] // jQuery('.gallery2 a').lightBox({captionPosition:'gallery'}); // jQuery('.gallery3 a').lightBox({captionPosition:'gallery'}); }); function showImg(i){ if(i == jQuery('img').length){ return; }else{ jQuery(jQuery('img')[i]).animate({opacity:'show'},"normal",function(){i++;showImg(i)}); } } }