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LT. Didžiulė padėka mūsų visiems mieliausiems draugams ir šiem nuostabiems žmonėm vienaip ar kitaip prisidedantiems prie mūsų beprotystės palaikymo. Milžiniškas, šokoladu apipiltas Ačiū Jums! Išlikite visuomet tokie pat šaunūs, kokie mus lydėjote iki šiol :) Jūs priglaudėte mus namuose, davėte galimybę padirbėti, apdalinote maistu, dovanomis, pinigais. Be jūsų ši kelionė būtų buvus kitokia. Ačiū, kad drauge padėjote įgyvendinti mūsų svajonę. Dabar liekame skolingi jums ir pasauliui.

EN. Biggest Thank You to those fantastic friends that one or another way support us on this journey as well as all the other amazing people that surrounded us. We thank you so much for hosting us, giving us a chance to taste your culture. Thank you for helping us in the needy situations. We will hold you in our thoughts always. We also give thanks for those nameless people whose faces we still have in our hearts. You made our journey around the world possible.
Stay as cool as you always were, close your eyes and imagine our biggest smile sent to you – Thank you!

Šeima | Family

Šeima ir draugai | Our family are friends

Europa ir Azija

Mūsų šeimoms (Savickams, Štrufams, Petreikiams, Kazlauskiams, Andrijauskams) ir visiems kitiems giminiečiams bei draugams nuolat mus palaikiusiems kelyje, jaudinusiais, dalinusiais patarimus.

Keliautojams Augustui Kligiui, Justui Ketleriui, Sigitui Šopai už patarimus, palaikymą ir kontaktus
Renata Skardžiūtė-Kereselidze (Lietuva-Gruzija) už gruziniškus valgius ir mielą turą aplink Tbilisį
Linai Juzokaitei už globą Australijoje ir draugišką buvimą su mumi.
Lina Navickaite – Gunc (Lietuva) už globą Gruzijoje
Eugenijui ir Alvydui mus priėmusiems savo namuose Kirgiztane, su kuriais atšventėme 3 mėnesių kelyje sukaktį (Lietuva-Kirgiztanas)


Danai Binkis (Australijos lietuvių bendruomenė) už mūsų globą Australijoje – nemokamus jaukius namus, beprotiškai skanius valgius, turus Melburne ir pagalbą surenkant aukas tolimesniems mūsų žygiams
Linui Kaspariūnui – už globą Australijoje ir darbus.
Mildai ir Andrew Gould už jaukias nakvynes ir skanias vakarienes
Ritai Baltušytei-Ormsby už nakvynes Sidnėjuje ir įdomius pokalbius
Andriui Kaladei (Australijos lietuvių bendruomenės prezidentas) už kelionę „Great Ocean Road“ ir visai Australijos lietuvių bendruomenei, dosniai parėmusiai mus tolesniam kelionės iššūkiui
Birutei Kymantas ir laikraščiui „Tėviškės žinios“ už galimybę dalintis kelionės įspūdžiais

Šiaurės Amerika

Žilvinui Ūsoniui ir Dianai Aleknaitei už kanoją, kuri mums plukdė Misisipe, už suorganizuotą pristatymą Amerikos lietuviams, rūpestį Čikagoje ir linksmai (juokas iki ašarų) praleistą laiką
Daliai ir visai Žarskų šeimai už nakvynes, lietuviškas vakarienes ir rūpestį, kol svečiavomės Čikagoje.
Bunkeriui už galimybę pristatyti savo kelionę Amerikos lietuviams
Čikagos lituanistinei mokyklai už galimybę pasidalinti kelionės įspūdžiais su lietuviais moksleiviais
Kunigaikščių menei už desertą ir lietuvišką alų
Zakarauskų šeimai už gausią paramą
Gabrėnų šeimai už gausią paramą ir knygą apie Afriką
Alatėjai ir Audronei Sidaugienei už gausią paramą
visiems Amerikos lietuviams, atėjusiems pabūti su mumis ir gausiai mus parėmus per prezentaciją

Visiems, parėmusiems pinigine auka kelyje:
To all, who supported us financially on our Road:

Jaunius Simokaitis
Martynas Kasparavičius
Gintaras Ziaunys
Arnas Kupšys
Paulius Stankaitis
Jolanta Zakarauskas
Agne Pociūtė – Pamedytienė
Miglė Padegimaitė
Algirdas Jankauskas
Nerijus Laukaitis
Juozas Pranckevičius ir Jolita Griciūtė
Laurynas Šukys
Justinas Viršilas
Justinas Lasevičius
Vija Augucevičiūtė
Marius Puluikis
Birutė ir Ridas Andrijauskai
Mantas Lobė
Inga ir Vytautas Kazlauskiai
Rokas Kazlauskis
Povilas Lazauskas
Eglė ir Darius Petreikiai

Visiems, O YPAČ MŪSŲ ŠEIMOMS IR DRAUGAMS, kurie nuoširdžiai ėjo ir per sunkumus kelyje, ir juokėsi drauge komiškose situacijose

Europe and Asia

A big world-like thanks to each and everyone Driver, who brought us a mile closer to our Dream. To all the nameless by-passers who smiled, encouraged, gave us their gardens, yards and homes to sleep over, delicious meals and food supplies, money and gadgets. We keep on remembering you, and everyone was important to our Journey. Our Journey got that way thanks to you too!

Kristjan Teeäär for GPS device that helped us to track down our travel
Kristina and Tolga Balci (Turkey) for a cozy stay at their house, wonderful dinners, and a care.
Emrah Durmuş (Turkey) for a couch and funny stories
Samet Pandir, Naşit Darıcı, Gökhan Akdoğan (Sivas, Turkey) for an invitation to stay with them, dinner, great visit around the town and honest care,
Ali Akdağ, Mesut Akdag, Ali Eroğluer and all Emergency personel (Tokat, Turkey) for a great care, wonderful visit around the town, birthday party, warm sweet milk, beds whilst it was so cold outside.
Mustafa Çetinkaya (Erzurum, Turkey) for a possibility to stay long weeks while we have been waiting for our visa
Ahmet Uzuner and his family (Bursa, Turkey) for a cozy dinner and a possibility to visit art studio
Terter Zachir (Azerbaijan) – for a great family stay and dinner, lots of laughter
Ruzigar Seyidov (Baku, Azerbaijan) – for a couch in the capital
Tarlan Takhirovic (Sheki, Azerbaijan) – for all the visits around his families, absolutely amazing stay and a visit around the town.
Niko Mehdi (baku, Azerbaijan) for a dinner in town
Shahrooz (Teheran, Iran) for a couch, dinners and an honest care in the capital.
Ibrahim and Sarit (Esfahan, Iran) for absolutely adorable stay in Esfahan – dinners, stories, full care.
Neda and Nika Beyzaei (Shiraz, Iran) for a lovely dinner and a couch
Rahima Norova (Bukhara, Uzbekistan) for a couch
Prad (Osh, India-Kyrgyzstan) for a couch
Irène Mestre (Bishkek, France-Kyrgyzstan) for a couch
David Nguyen (Bishkek, Australia-Kyrgyzstan) for a couch
Gulnara Zhanibekova (Almaty, Kazachstan) for a couch
Mr. Ji (Changdu, China) for an amazing hotel and great financial support
David and his friends (China) for a great dinner and a visit in the elephant sanctuary
Teerapong Nookua (Thailand) for a coffee and bringing us to the border
Anwar Fatimberlake (Kuala Lampur, Malaysia) for a couch and a visit to twin towers
Rohman Doank (Java, Indonesia) for a great stay with a family
Adhy Nafhuzy (Java, Indonesia) for a wonderful stay with a family

Kont Gjegji (Tirana, Albania) for drinks, organising us a stay and good care of us
Feike Alewijnse (Netherlends – Slovenia) for a couch and great hike in the Alps
Aga and Pawel Krzyszkowski (Warsaw, Poland) for a great flight above Suwalky and so close to Lithuania, cepelinai and care
Magda and Grzegozs (Suwalky, Poland) for a lovely stay at their home and food supplies to keep us going


Kat Stewart (Perth, Australia) – for a couch
Keith (Australia) – for looking after us, visits around the cost and bringing us to the right place despite family commitments
Sheryl (Australia) – for a great dinner, visits along the cost, and a looong 200km extra drive that she has given us to the town near the desert.

North America

Art and Ann Konefal (Fairbanks, Alaska, USA) for lovely (red, not pink) salmon dinner and cozy stay at their house
Cory Newberry (Coldfoot, Alaska, USA) (for the cabin that was such a wonder in those rainy days at the most northern point for us in our journey)
Brenna McConnell-Booher (Fairbanks, Alaska, USA) (for a couch)
Josh Waters (Alaska, USA) for an unforgettable flight over Alaska (USA)
Keith Kodet (USA) (for a loooong great drive through Alaska and Canada, for an absolutely amazing drive through southern USA, for collecting the legendary canoe and bringing it back to Chicago), for a great care on the Road, for all the chats and adventures.
Willis and Geraldine (Spiritwood, Canada) for a lovely stay on a farm with yaks, pet pig, donkey, baby goat, and dogs and a luxurious perhaps the record drive from Canada to Chicago.
Paul Paridan (Edmonton, Canada) for a lovely stay at home environment and an opportunity to learn about bike projects.
Pouce Coupe staff (Canada) – for a lovely camping site and delicious pancakes in the morning
Mimo Pearl (Hawaii, USA) for organising us an opportunity to stay in the camping site.
Thebes camping and his owner Neil for a camping site and all the care

Central America

Gerardo and Ivan Ramos (Tampico, Mexico) for a couch, great food, tequila and getting to know Tampico better
Ernesto Vega (Santa Ana, El Salvador) for a couch and food, honest chats and cozy atmosphere
Lenin Zamir Flores Rossmann (Managua, Nicaragua) for a couch and hammock
Ginnee and Phil Hancock (Costa Rica) for looking after us, for brilliant food, great eco farm opportunities, lots of information, Christmas time.
Johnny Alberto Pereira Gonzalez, Juan Luis Sanchez Jimenez and Flory Quesada Torres and his friends (Costa Rica) for a stay at their finca in the mountains
David Crudivegano (Panama – Colombia) for a couch and lots of info about raw-food eating and the entire non-consumerism philosophy
Martin Beltran (Panama) – for a fiesta with his relatives and a relaxing stay at his summer house

South America

Quaco and Clara Arango (Colombia) for great food, luxurious stay at their finca and summer house on the shore of Caribbean Sea, looking after us and cozy atmosphere.
Pascal Lambert (Colombia) for a couch and interesting chats.
Carlos Enrique Parucho M (Caracas, Venezuela) por la noche, las comidas con toda la familia y las cozas para el camino.
Marcelo Aguilar Calegare (Manaus, Brazil) for a great stay, party with other fellow Brazilians.
Joao Martins and Thiago Rocha (Brasilia, Brazil) for a wonderful stay, interesting conversations and Lithuanian anthem sung by them.


Mr and Mrs Mwakalukwa (Mbeya, Tanzania) for a lovely dinner and such a necessary stay at their house (instead of sleeping in the rain)
Santa Cilevica and Kevin L Reece (Latvia-Barbados Morogoro,Tanzania) for a homestay, all the care, warmth, laughter and cozy atmosphere
Waqas Akhtar (UK- Kenya) for a couch, amazing meals and profound chats
Elias Ahmed and Rafael Seyoum (Addis – Ababa, Ethiopia) for a great couch and lovely dinners
Mohamed Emad Kandeel (Egypt) for water, food and care in the middle of the desert